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Just Say Yes


From the very beginning of who we are, says a friend of mine, we have a motto in our heart of hearts. Sort of a “Life T-shirt,” if you will. At every party we went to in our 30’s, that was her icebreaker question to people she would meet, “What’s on YOUR Life T-shirt?

My original Life Tshirt, from birth I swear, is,”You aren’t the boss of me!”. Which morphed, over the years, into, “I don’t know who you THINK you are, but you’re not the boss of me!”. Sassiness, evidently, increases with age. 

And speaking of age, now that I’m (ahem!) a bit older than dirt, I am happy — THRILLED, really — to have discovered that if we’re lucky and paying attention, we might even get to have more than one. So I have added another Life Tshirt to my mental wardrobe. Wanna know what it is? Open up your mind and say AHHHHHHHHH because it’s a really good one, if I do say so myself! 

Are you ready for it? It is: JUST. SAY. YES. Three simple little words strung together in a row that can make things turn out even better than you can possibly imagine, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Just say yes to those you love, to your dreams, to your aspirations, to opportunities that present themselves, to your very own little self…to life. That is it. Just say yes to life. 

Imagine the possibilities!

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4 Comments on "Just Say Yes"

  • Jamee says

    Love this. You always Eat Drink Pretty in all ways. Best person I know to dine with in all ways!! Xox

    • Darlin Gray says

      Thank you, Jamee!! 😘

  • Catherine says

    Darlin you gorgeous brilliant goddess! What fun for my eyes, stomach and heart! I look forward to reading more of your inner dialogue!
    Much love kitten

    • Darlin Gray says

      Aren’t you sweet?? 😘

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